Top Fire Safety tips from Allstar Training

Fire Marshal training has been in such big demand over the last month, we had to hold extra dates for courses. Below, we have put together some easy to follow, top tips for fire safety. Keep things neat and tidy A lot can be said for keeping things in order and this can help combat a range of different potential …

What is PAT Testing?

We all see those little stickers on plugs and electrical equipment, but what are they for? PAT or Portable Appliance Testing is the name of a process where electrical appliances are routinely checked for safety. Essentially, this is a safety regulation to ensure that any people, workers, or tenants who might come into contact with portable electrical appliances are not …

We Love Training

We LOVE Training. We train our staff as much as we think you should train yours.  All employees of Allstar have regular Fire Marshal, Manual Handling and First Aid Training along with an array of customer service and sales techniques. Training doesn’t have to mean a boring day stuck in a classroom. It can be hands on experience and you …

Construction Plant Machinery Safety

Everyone at work needs to know how to work safely and without risk to health.  Clear instructions must be provided along with any information and adequate training to do the job or use the equipment to complete a task. There are a number of Health & Safety Regulations which place various duties on employers.  The rules are designed to ensure …

Do you wear a Face Mask and does it fit properly?

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Why should I wear a mask…? It is essential that you are provided with RPE if you are undertaking work or activities which may result in harmful substances contaminating the air around you.  This could be caused from a number of different forms, such as dust from cutting a material like stone, concrete or wood.  Liquids …

The Importance of Learning First Aid

With the news that all children  in England are to be taught First Aid and CPR by 2020, Allstar Training are determined to raise awareness about the importance of learning basic life-saving skills. We all hope we’ll never be in the position where we need to use our knowledge to save a persons’ life, but it could happen, so we should …

Allstar Training and the COLONG Ride Home

Allstar Training are proud to be a sponsor for Guy Clubb fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK and the CoLonG Ride Home.  Guy is a good friend of the company and a supplier for our branded merchandise. Our Director, Richard Dean will be supporting Guy on Day 2 of his journey for the last 120 miles home.  Richard is participating in …

Is your Manual Handling technique becoming a heavy load?

You know how to lift stuff, right? Carrying something from A to B isn’t such a big deal, is it? We move things around the workplace all the time, so what’s the problem? Statistics show that manual handling injuries account for around a third of all workplace injuries in the UK. So, we need to get it right. We need …

New Anglia Business Growth Programme helps Allstar Training

We’ve been supported by the New Anglia Business Growth Programme to help with setting up our new training centre. Are you growing your business, developing a new product or want to improve productivity? New Anglia LEP’s Small Grant Scheme, funded by the ERDF, offers grant up to £25,000 to growing businesses in Norfolk or Suffolk. Apply for up to 20% …

Driver Training Now Available

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering Driver Training and Driver Risk Assessment Training. The course gives delegates a thorough understanding of driving laws and regulations and how to inspect and recognise any signs of problems with their vehicles. Employers have a duty of care to make sure employees travelling for work (either as part of their role …