Is your Manual Handling technique becoming a heavy load?

You know how to lift stuff, right? Carrying something from A to B isn’t such a big deal, is it? We move things around the workplace all the time, so what’s the problem?

Statistics show that manual handling injuries account for around a third of all workplace injuries in the UK. So, we need to get it right. We need to think about how to lift and avoid the bad habits before they become usual practice.

Allstar Training offers a three-hour training course which can correct manual handling techniques and provide relative information in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

We’ve listed our TOP TIPS for safe manual handling to get you started

Feet Apart

Before you lift, carry, push or pull, you should be in a stable position. Ensure you are standing with your feet apart will give you a firm stance to start. Always make sure you can move your feet during the lift to keep your stability.

Bend at the knee with a straight back

A common mistake is straightening legs before raising the load. Your back is the weakest part and most prone to injuries from incorrect manual handling. Your legs are much stronger so always bend your knees to start the lift. Try to keep your back straight. Don’t bend over the load.

Hold the load close

For stability, the heaviest part of the load should be closest to your body. The load should be hugged during the lift and throughout the carry.

Look ahead

Keep you chin up and look forward, ensuring you can see any potential trip hazards.

Think about height

The load should be lifted and carried at waist height. If you lift too low, you could damage your back, if you lift too high, the strain on your arms increase.